How to Prepare for Your Design Appointment

You did it! You purchased your very own, new Glenview Home in a sought-after community. So, what’s next?
The journey you are embarking on is an exciting one, however, more often than not I am finding new home purchasers anxious rather than allowing themselves to enjoy the journey. They may feel completely overwhelmed by the entire process. To help alleviate those feelings of stress and anxiety you should be prepared. Are you having a Girl Guides or Boy Scouts flashback? Good! It does take some work to buy a new home so I suggest homebuyers start early and be prepared. Rest assured that the Glenview Homes team is here to support you along your homebuying journey.
Create A Budget (and a Wish List)
Before thinking about colours and finishes, you should to speak with your bank or mortgage specialist to create your budget. It would be helpful to know exactly what you are comfortable spending before coming to your design appointment and create a wish list with your items. First step is to categorize your wish list items by priority. Look at the floorplans – I mean really analyze them. Make sure the space works for you and your family, and that it fits within the budget you have set. Be sure to consider the wish list items and finishes that you started dreaming about as you prioritize your ’must haves’.
Select Your Appliances
In most instances builders and kitchen designers will need appliance specifications at the beginning of the process. Narrow down a list of options so that you are ready to provide them to the experts when needed. Your list should include all major appliances, and electronics such as a home-theater system. Once your floorplan is finalized, print multiple copies and start space planning. Where do you want to put your TVs? Do you want them wall mounted or on a stand? Bring these sketches to your appointment. You’ll also want to review all documents and prices (if you have some) before your visit with the consultant. Putting in the effort before for your session will help guide the discussion and alleviate stress.
Get Inspired
Social media is right at your fingertips. Start exploring Instagram, Pinterest, and Houzz for design inspiration. On Instagram, I recommend saving pictures to a ‘collection’ so you can review them later. Be sure to leverage the ‘search’ functionality and look up topics such as ‘décor’, or you can search hashtags like ‘#livingroomdesign’. Similarly, on Pinterest you can create a ‘board’ that includes all the pins that appeal to your style. I also recommend visiting model homes and browsing images on builder websites so you can develop a sense of what style and colours you like, and how they could be adapted to the space you have.
The entire new build process is a team effort, your New Home Sales Consultant, Design Studio Consultant, and kitchen designer are all there to assist you as you personalize your Glenview Home – your job is to be prepared. When you come to your design appointment ready with everything mentioned above, you will be able to relax, and have fun creating the home of your dreams.
Nichole Cuglietta
Design Consultant for Glenview Homes